Pandora For Mac

Interestingly my Pandora 3.1.12 stopped working recently. Read on the internet that the date and time needed to be set right for Pandora to work. My iPod ran out of battery and I lost the correct date and time and it wouldn't connect to Pandora. Set the correct date and time and it now connects and works. The latest version of Pandora is 2.7 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Streaming Media in the Audio & Video category. The app is developed by Pandora and its user rating is 2 out of 5.

(and Tips for Making Panoramas in GIMP)
  • The best Pandora stations are naturally the ones that you’ve tailored yourself. Recently, Pandora expanded its services by releasing a new Pandora Mac app. While there are also plans for a Pandora desktop app for Windows, right now the native Pandora app is a Mac exclusive. Your Guide To The New Pandora Desktop App.
  • Pandora gives you personalized radio that plays what you love and continually evolves with your. Pandora for Mac. Free Pandora Media Mac Version 15.0.1 Full Specs. Download Now Secure Download.

Pandora is a GIMP script which helps in stitching together multipleimages to make a panorama.

It does not find image matches automatically, but it does automatethe most tedious part of making a panorama:creating a large image in which your component images are loaded asseparate layers, with initial spacings and layer masks.

The original version of Pandora was written in C and needed to becompiled, but the new version is written in the GIMP's nativescripting language, 'script-fu', and should install easily onany platform and any version of GIMP.

Installing Pandora

Pandora for mac appTo install, just downloadpandora-combine-0.9.3.scm(right click on the link and select 'Save Link As'),placing it into your personal GIMP scripts folder(see the Edit->Preferences dialog, Folders category,and click on Scripts if you're not sure where that is.)For a longer discussion of how to install scripts, see theonlineGIMP User Manual or Chapter 11 of my book,Beginning GIMP: From Novice toProfessional.

Pandora App For Windows 10

Note: if you have the 'FX-Foundry' collection of GIMP scriptsinstalled, you already have Pandora (though possibly not the latestversion), but FX-Foundry changes the location of the menu items toFX-Foundry.>Multi-Layer Tools>Spread out layers.If you try to install Pandora in addition to FX-Foundry, you'llget errors since you'll have two competing copies of the sameunderlying functions.

How to Use Pandora

1. Load all the images as layers

The easiest way to do this is to create a new image (size doesn'tmatter), then do File->Open as Layers.. from the imagewindow. In the Open dialog, select all the components of thepanorama (click on the first image, then shift-click on the lastone to select everything in between; or control-click on individualimages to add or subtract them) and click OK.

2. Delete the Background layer

Unfortunately there's no Open as Layers.. from the toolboxmenu, so creating a new image gave you an extra background layerthat you don't need. Delete it: click on Background in the Layersdialog, then click the Delete button.

Note: if you don't normally show the Layers dialog, you'll definitelywant it for making panoramas. It may already be visible, or dockedas a tab with other dialogs such as Channels, Paths and History.If it's not visible, Ctrl-L will probably bring it up, or look forit in the Windows->Dockable Dialogs Sites to download mac software for free. menu.

3. Run Pandora

You'll find Pandora under Filters->Pandora->Arrange as Panorama..

4. Set the overlap and direction

Set the overlap to the amount that each of your images overlaps theprevious one, e.g. 30%, 60% or whatever.

Then figure out whether the bottom layer should be the leftmost onein the panorama, or the rightmost, and check or un-check'Top Layer on Right' accordingly.

If GIMP opened your images going right-to-left, and you'd preferto make a panorama from left to right, you can use myreverse-layers.scm script-futo fix that (it shows up asLayer->Stack->Reverse Layer Order).GIMP 2.4 will come with this built in.

Leave 'Use Layer Masks' checked unless you have a reason to disable it.

Then click OK!

5. Tune Each Image's Position

Pandora will overlap the images by the amount you specified, with alayer mask created for each one to make its edge blend into theimage before it.The next step is to fine-tune each image's position.PandoraApp

In the Layers dialog, turn off the visibility of all layersexcept the bottom two. Select the Move tool, anddrag the second layer so that it matches the one underneath it aswell as you can manage. Zoom in if you need to. The layer mask willmake the second layer slightly transparent, so you can see how wellthe two layers overlap. They won't be perfect; don't worry too muchabout that yet.

Tip on moving layers:Each layer, except the bottom one, will have a layer mask (that'sthe black and white rectangle next to the layer preview in theLayers dialog). When you're moving a layer, make sure the layeritself is selected, and not the layer mask (make sure there's awhite boundary around the layer preview on the left, not the blackand white layer mask preview on the right).

When you're happy with the position of the second layer, go back tothe Layers dialog and make the third layer visible, then in theimage window, drag that one until it matches the second one.Repeat until you've adjusted all layers.

6. Fine-tune the Layer Masks

Because of lens warp, camera rotation and other factors, your imagesprobably won't match perfectly. But you can tune that using thelayer masks.

Choose the Paintbrush tool. Make the foreground color black andchoose a fairly large brush.

In the Layers dialog, click on the layer mask for the second layer(its border will turn white, to show that it's selected).Then, back in the image window, paint everywhere the two images don'tmatch very well. You should see the ghost of the second imagedisappear wherever you paint. Continue until the match looks good.You can also paint in white, or use the eraser tool, to make thesecond image show more.

When you're happy with your work,click on the second layer's icon in the Layers dialog (so youdon't leave the mask selected by accident), click on the thirdlayer's mask, and paint. Repeat until you're out of layers.

Of course you can adjust individual layers too,rotating them or applying brightness/contrast tools as needed.

Tips for stitching panoramas in GIMP

Books:My new book Beginning GIMP: FromNovice to Professional has a step by step explanation ofhow to make panoramas by hand at the end of Chapter 10 (Pandoraautomates the first few steps of the process), along with tipson how to shoot good panoramas. Failing that,Grokking the Gimp,Chapter 7.5 has a good step-by-step tutorial written for GIMP 1.2.

Use layers:You really want each image as its own layer -- keep them thatway until you're completely finished editing. It doesn't matter hownew you are or how confusing you think layers are -- for panoramasthey are absolutely the way to go. (It was physically painful watchingmy husband try to edit panoramas in photoshop without using layers.)I didn't really understand layers when I first started making panoramas,but working through the exercises with a book in hand helped a lot.

Selection boundaries::View->Toggle Selection is your best friend. You can't matchanything up with those selection and layer boundaries gettingin the way. Ctrl-T is an easy way to toggle the selection boundarieson and off.

Save:Save frequently, every time you match up another edge. You neverknow when disaster might strike. Use Gimp's internal .xcf format. That way all the layer and mask information is preserved.When you're all finished, then resize (if appropriate) and savea separate copy as .jpg or whatever, but keep the .xcf around incase you ever need to edit it any more.


Master the Move Tool:In the move tool, the left, right, up, and down arrows move theselected layer by one pixel. Once you get close by dragging with themouse, use the arrows to tweak the layers until they're perfect.

Layer visibility:In the layers dialog, clicking on the 'eye' icon toggles alayer's visibility on and off -- very useful for matching two edges.

Mask visibility:Ctrl-clicking on the layer mask icon in the layers dialog togglesthe use of the mask: you can go back to seeing the sharp edge of thelayer without losing the mask.

Tune using transparency:You can use the transparency slider (after you've turned off themask, if any) to let you see both images at once, and overlap asmuch of them as possible.


Moving layers as a group:Clicking on the blank area to the right of the 'eye' visibilityicon brings up a 'chain link' icon. You can use this to tiemultiple layers together so they can be moved as a group. This isgreat when you think you have everything matched, then you're scrollingaround and you notice that the fourth and fifth layers of your nine-layerpanorama are a couple of pixels off. Tie layers 1-4, or 5-9, togetherby turning on all of their chain links, then you can move them as agroup.

Getting the sky right::Matching skies are hard, for some reason. You can spend hours with the smudge and clone tools trying tomatch all the sky boundaries, but don't do it.If you have a clear blue sky with no clouds, my advice is not towork too hard to match the skies. Match everything else, then usesomething like the magic wand tool to select the sky (this willprobably take several tries, fiddling with the Threshold value);then use the color picker to select a deep blue from the highestsky point you have as background, a faded blue from the lowest skypoint as foreground, then bucket fill the selected area with a gradient.

The Older C Version of Pandora

Linux Journal had anArticleabout using the older C version of Pandora.

I probably won't be maintaining it now that I have the more portablescript-fu version; but if you want to try the C version, here's how:

Download pandora-0.7.1.tar.gz.

Install it with these commands:which will build pandora and install it to your personal gimp directory.It tries to be smart about figuring out whether you have gimp 1.2,2.0, or both, but if it gets it wrong, you can make install-1.2or install-2.0 explicitly.

Pandora build requires gimptool, which is available on mostlinux distros (and Mac OS X) as part of a gimp-dev or gimp-devel package.You may also need a few other -devel packages, such as gtk-devel.SuSE linux users may also need to install XFree86-libs-dev in orderto get the -lXi library.Gimptool is also available for Windows, I'm told, but I'm not sureof the details; try the Gimp Wikifor Windows building instructions.


9/3/2007: pandora-combine-0.9.3.scm
Use 0 in front of decimal numbers, e.g. 0.3; needed for GIMP 2.4. Thanks to schumaml.
2/3/2007: pandora-combine-0.9.2.scm
Don't choke on layers that already have a layer mask.
6/13/2006: pandora-combine-0.9.1.scm
Updates for Tiny-Fu (GIMP 2.3).
5/27/2006: pandora-combine-0.9.scm
Add the ability to reverse layers.
3/19/2006: pandora-combine-0.8.scm
Rewrite Pandora in script-fu so it can be used on systems without a compiler.
7/15/2005: 0.7:
Fix the Makefile so that it will build one 2.0 version, whichever gimptool-2.0 comes first in the path, as well as one 1.2 version. Unfortunately it can't currently build all 2.0 versions because of GIMP bug 310565.
9/25/2004: 0.7:
If no files have been added to the list, but files are selected in the picker, use that list (in alphabetical order).
Call gtk_main_quit from the dialog; gimp 2.0 won't remember plugin values unless we quit correctly.
Some code cleanup.
4/30/2004: 0.6:
Select the layer, not the mask, after creating the mask, because of changes in gimp 2.0.1.
2/16/2004: 0.5:
Fix a problem in the 1.2 compile (which only shows up with some versions of gcc).
2/10/2004: 0.4:
Update the build to call gimptool-2.0 instead of 1.3; make the default make target do nothing except print a message (it no longer installs without a make install).
11/27/2003: 0.3:
Fix busted compile under the most recent Gimp 1.3 (thanks to Andrew Burton and Sven Neumann).
Improve the file selection lists: multi selection and file remove.
Make Makefile a lot smarter.
Include this ChangeLog in the source dir.
2/3/2003: 0.2:
Put the UI all in one dialog. Introduce beginnings of pandora_match.
1/29/2003: 0.1:
First release.

Other panorama software for Linux

  • Stitch Panorama A GIMP plugin (in python) which stitches two layers together by defining a set of control points. Does a very good job of stitching two images, though it's fairly difficult to add additional ones. Handles distortion and rotation, two things Pandora isn't very good at.
  • phfluuh a couple of other panorama GIMP plugins (alas, only for gimp 1.2). 'Enfish' (which corrects wideangle distortion) is very useful with Pandora, but for some reason you have to add an additional transparent layer, or else the enfish plugin will be greyed out.
  • Wide Angle GIMP plugin Corrects distortion from wide angle lenses (but only on one layer at a time).
  • Hugin A self contained open source panorama maker (not a GIMP plugin). Very powerful, but somewhat complicated to use.
  • PanoTools Big and apparently quite powerful, supposedly multi platform, but I've never managed to get it to install or run on Linux.
  • Enblend: Image Blending with Multiresolution Splines I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like it might help with cleaning up boundaries (outside of gimp) after joining images together.
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